Tri ni dad Trinidad is a small island in the Caribbean island chain located near the upper eastern part of south america, giving it a Indian and Spanish flavor. F oo d Since Trinidad is so close to the South American country Guyana, it is tied very strong in Indian culture making the foods a strong mix of the two. A lot of the cuisine in Trinidad consists of curries. My step mom being from Trinidad gave me a personal example of the foods they have to offer in Trinidad, and let me tell you, they are SPICY! This is an example of chicken curry, most meals are topped on a rice base to split the strong flavors of the spices added in the curry. Culture and Language Many find this surprising, as i did when i was first informed, but Trinidad was first conquered by the Spanish, but then taken over by the British in the late 1700's. That being said, the popular language on the island is English. This was funny to me because the people there are from a hot i...