blog 6 Puerto Rico

        Puerto Rico is a mid-sized island in the Caribbean region that is a mix of United states and afro Caribbean culture, making them very different than the other islands in culture and in language. The language mostly spoken here is Spanish with a slight mix in of English and English phrases. Puerto Ricans are known for speaking fast Spanish, my stepdad is Puerto Rican so whenever family would come, I had a less than zero percent chance of understanding or translating any type of conversation that was had.

Surprising to me, during my research I found that the currency used is the US dollar, which is most likely obvious considering America funds them and they are a territory of ours, but I was still surprised reading that. Continuing with economy, Puerto Rico in previous years had one of the strongest economies in the Caribbean region, now things are a little different as most of their funding comes form America, but its still impressive none the less.

The culture of Puerto Rico is mostly described as mixed, there isn’t one determining factor of their culture because is so diverse and different that nothing truly describes it better than intertwined. Puerto Rico consists of many types of people and religions from all around.

However, politics wise, they are the same as the united states. President Trump is the leader of both places, as well the way their government is formed with the senate and parties, they are all formatted the exact same. So similar in fact, that Puerto Rico, much like the united states, received a 1,200 dollar stimulus check from the US government, just like we did in the states.

A common misconception about Puerto Rico is that you need a passport to get in, this true unless you are a registered united states citizen, in which case you are welcome to freely cross the boarders without a passport.

works cited

 “Fast Facts About Puerto Rico.” Welcome to Puerto Rico!, Editors. “Puerto Rico.”, A&E Television Networks, 28 Sept. 2017,

Wagenheim, Kal, and Olga J. Wagenheim. “Puerto Rico.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 19 Sept. 2020, 


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