Confusions of "El Caribe Gris"

Christopher Columbus
                                     Christopher Columbus

    The problems I ran in to while trying to read and comprehend the text of "El Caribe Gris", or " The Gray Caribbean" was just understanding the main points, especially since the text is pretty lengthy and goes in multiple directions and doesn't really continue the same thought the whole way through.

    However, it was slightly easier when we were given the shortened, to the point text of Caribe Gris, as it was more on the same topic instead of jumping around. Another problem is that it is translated, and through google translate at that, so some points are misinterpreted and recited different than they should be.
    What i did to combat the hardships of this reading is i somewhat dissected it, reading a small portion at a time, trying to understand it, then continuing on until it was finished so i could piece the puzzle together.

    I feel as though now that i have read the whole thing multiple times, the simpler text and the more complex text, my idea of the whole writing stays the same. i think the main points still stand and no new information was brought to the table, just clarity on the more confusing portions.

Works cited:
 Lester, Paul M. (January 1993). "Looks are deceiving: The portraits of Christopher Columbus". Visual Anthropology5 (3–4): 211–227. doi:10.1080/08949468.1993.9966590 


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