Response Post
i feel as though my blogs meet the criteria and definitely portray the correct point, however i do find myself having trouble with formatting my blogs and making them look unique. I can write and have no problems, but blogs are about expressing your creative ideas and i just have trouble ding that in a blog.
I don't normally have a problem with writing and expressing my thoughts, but its just hard for me to add pictures and find the ones that i want to use. I'm used t expressing myself with words, not usually visuals added in like a power point.
My blogs and writings have my best effort, it would be a waste o time to work on these and not try, especially when I pay for my classes, it would just feel like a waste fir me to not express my ability to write.
Work Ethic
Normally i like to complete all of my homework for not just this class, but every class over the weekend. during the week i have my somewhat busy work schedule as well as the gym everyday besides Sunday, so during the week i find i'm not super motivated t do school work. So i do not have a major problem with procrastination anymore, but this last weekend i had to work 20+ hours so i didn't have a chance to get to do my homework so my schedule was thrown off, causing some problems.
I tend to look or read over my blogs once or twice before submitting them just ti make sure it makes sense and i don't sound stupid, so last minute adjustments are a must.
The fact that my posts can be seen by others doesn't really bother me, especially since we don't have in person class and i haven't met anyone nor know who anyone in here is. Normally i might be slightly worried about people reading my posts and such, but now i'm not so concerned about it.
In Class
In class the only thing i would need help on is making my blogs look different and have different things going on in them instead of how i have been doing them, i want them to be more unique. The only other thing would be the citations, and where exactly to include them and if i'm doing them correctly.
New Knowledge
What I've learned from blogging is how many people actually do this and how popular it is. I never would have thought i would have written a blog ever, and now i write them once a week. Its just pretty cool to see a community so invested in what they like.
works cited
Studio, Gpoint. Stress and Heart Health, 2018,
Tech, Gov. Online Learning, 2020, classes&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS866US866&sxsrf=ALeKk022xdphCir6WPex2iL1nKaYvJY0PA:1599321602685&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi4p4mgsdLrAhWltVkKHWMIBWQQ_AUoAnoECA4QBA&biw=1920&bih=920#imgrc=RpWtGHYy7jJyjM.
make sure to hit spell check after typing your post, there are a few silly mistakes up in there...